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Hair transplant in Turkey

Many men have medical travels for a hair transplant in Turkey. Turkish hospitals offer lifelong hair restoration, including hair on the head, mustache and beard transplant. Women more often resort to hair restoration in alopecia areata and loss of eyebrows. The most effective technique of transferring the donor follicles to the target region is FUE hair transplantation. FUE, follicular unit extraction, includes harvesting the donor follicles one by one, with minimal damage to the donor region and follicles themselves. Special microsurgical instrument allows making micro-punches in the skin of the donor region. Harvested follicles are stored in the nutrient solution that increases their viability. Once follicles are processed and ready for the transplantation, a surgeon implants them in the donor region one by one. Turkish hair restoration surgeons can transplant up to 5,000 hair grafts during one procedure and guarantee achieving the desired result. In selected patients other hair transplant procedures are applied, such as FUT hair transplantation and DHI (direct hair implantation).


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